

七龙珠 · 改!

终于在大马问世了!在一场机缘巧合下,我在网路上发现了“龙珠 · 改”,于是就打开来看咯。

龙珠 改 (ドラゴンボール 改)享誉世界的日本动画龙珠复活!是纪念《龙珠Z》放映开始20周年,2009年4月5日9时在富士TV开篇放映 。延续当时的CAST进行再编集&再收录,OP与ED曲焕然一新。












刚刚更换了 “部落皮” [*blogskin直接翻译* 感觉怪怪的说==||],还不赖哦,几满足一两下的…=)…而且部落播放中的歌是我在SDO-X Summer Passion的 “饮歌” 哦,分别是级别16的night of fire和级别13的blood on fire…又好打又好听…哈哈, 各位超舞玩家一定要去玩哦!有很多好听好弹的交响曲!

今天是Calvin Chia的生日,全班一如往常大势庆祝,Simone Yap Pui Yee 还亲自出马制作蛋糕 [我没看到蛋糕的模样,不过就算样子看似有限公司也好,都是一份心意啦…XD]
可是有一些同学并没有得到和Calvin同样的待遇,例如说昨天生日的Tay Xiao Voon…完全没有人想鸟她的意思…=”=,不过都不要紧啦,反正班上不是每个人的关系都那么密切的说……

对了,说到xiao Voon的生日,我不经意回想起上个星期天,我人生去过最冷清的生日会……全场不超过10人的生日派对哦!好强的说……^w^…不过就算人数少,只要全部是 "寿星妹"的好朋友好姐妹就好的说!
照片都在我的“脸书”[*facebook 直接翻译*]…有空去看看吧!

I Love My Girlfriend ^^


128days of journey

Our school had made up a missed classes today, but unfortunately i skipped it...it seems to be normal for me...so i got myself hidden into my huge and worm coverlet [Naruto's picture within, interested to see??XD]...from 8pm last night to 6 morning...[i slept extremely early , i have to apologize to people who sms-ed me and i never reply to them last night...]

Since i woke up so early...so i forced to distract the people who was still sleeping...XD...

i went to EXC in SeriPetaling to met those LanMao member...[some of them were at kuchai's EXC, and TzeWoh, TzeHao, WaiBin, YaoAnn were at Seripetaling]...XD...it about 9 something la, so the sun was hot and i was under it...The sun baked me up...Finally i arrived to EXC after the long long journey [OUG to Seripetaling isn't a short distance, and there was a hot weather some more...]

i played the SDO-X Summer Passion for 2 hours, i been attracted by those symphony ...[addicted in it again Xd]

signboard of EXC in SeriPetaling

After we all finished playing in Seri Petaling's EXC...we got into a taxi and...we..........drove to Kuchai's EXC to met others LanMao members...XD, so we played at there for few more hours...[omg...we were have a EXC 1day trip...]

Finished playing at there...i walked back to home lonely...Unfortunately there was a heavy rain while i was on my way to home...X(...why i was so bad luck today...morning hot sun and evening heavy rain??

so......Blog Updated!!!



i didn't update my blog for a week...>< [lazy lazy!!!]

The Post for Wednesday
Benjamin discovered a kitty in the science lab...so shook yen and Alina put it into a little box and brought it to class, the kitty is in custody of Benjamin...XD...hope he wont abuse it ba~~XD, because the kitty is really CUTE!!!! With blue eyes some more nia!!!XD

Picture bellow
Alina's hand hand~

Kitty Looks sad TwT

Here's a closer view...><>

Post For Friday
LanMao went to EXC last night, and i discovered a new SDO, named SDO-SummerPassion....
there is a little changes in it...but i can't list out here...so...go cc and play yourself ba!!!
The song i recommended
Night on fire
Blood on fire
and all lvl 16++...[i forgotten the name of those songs..XD...]



i was insomnia last night, so i decided to draw things to made myself tired...
so the picture below is what i drew...

comment it please...^^

today was my sister's Convocation from U.T.A.R collage...she has waiting this moment for 4years, finally she graduated...XD

Feel sleepy whole day...maybe i was insomnia...XD, i was only slept 3hours...

will update about the convocation soon...now sleepy..buai~~
Brother got back to K.L for attending my sister's Convocation tomorrow...Finally she graduate from UTAR...

Drew these few Picture just now...in damn boring mood...

Title: The Last Man On Earth

Title: Shaman King, power of ghost

Title: Gensomanden Saiyuki, Son Goku the 齐天大圣

Title: Boyfriend?



Form 3 student started the examination today, and form 5 still have a long time to wait to...XD...many classmate skipped the science period today, but we wore a risk, Carmen said that the teacher Pn. Goh had wrote our name to Mr. Nizzat [not really know the spelling..XD]...might get punishment next week...**thinking of stop skipping her class...**

Passingly went to visit Christopher just now before i got back to home. He was injured by fell down from motorcycle in front of ESSO gas station few days ago...the cut wasn't serious at first, but it became worst day by day...until when i arrived to his house...what i saw is...

the can see the different??the right leg is extremely swelled after the fall...pity of him...many friends asked me to send their regards to Christopher when i visit him...

The PRS organized a Hari Kejaya [don't know how to mention the correct name..]...is kinda educational exhibition...there was 20 collages came to introduced their things and have a seminar to us, most of them were promoting hotel and business management course...i didn't interested with it...the only collage who do attracted me was the Dasein collage and The One Academy, i do interested and addicted on designing...XD..



As usual, i slept through every period, teachers felt so disappointed with me...XD...because i took a short nap last evening, i woke up at 11 pm something and can't slept back...i think i had only slept less then 3 hours last night...

Stayed back to accompanied kahyuet, was her duty today...but i stood outside for whole day??wtf???because of her partner didn't allowed me to go in...even though i was wore LPS's shirt...[im not blaming her, it's her responsibility...XD...see i so good...] Never mind la, hopefully her next duty partner wont be too responsible...XD...

A few little bad news here~~
1st: Alex skipped school today, and he unfortunately lost his hand phone in the taxi...i don't know whether is this a good news or not, because he might use this as a reason to claim another new phone from his mother...

2nd: Christopher accidentally fell down from his motor...right leg and hand cost damages...XD...[why am i still laughing??]

3rd: I got scolded by my stingy and narrow father...unreasonably again...because Christopher injured, as a friend i will never leave him or ask him to see doctor lonely right? so i asked my father to fetch him and singping to the nearest clinic...like that also i got scolded...what a narrow cold blood father...but i won't mind actually, unless he got to clinic safely...XD[im so~~~good!!]

Bought Kahyuet a new digi number~~bla bla~~so happy~~

endless love!!!



Just cut a new hair style last night, for me it's nice and neat...but it look quite fashion, i really scare the discipline teachers ll cut my hair or gantung me...XD...but still, Mr Loke cut some part of it during his Geography class...Xd...

For some unreasonable reasons [??wtf??]...Waibin , YanAnn and I started to skip the History period...As usual, we did it today...YaoAnn, WaiBin, TseWoh, TseHao and i crowded in a small small tiny room [our secret place, can't mention the location..=u=] incidentall there was a packet of gambling cards, so passingly we started the game "choh dai di"[Plow the big younger brother???]...and we played since third period to recess[almost an hour..]...

Chat With Kahtyuet on msn...some thing she discovered from website made me felt interested...
i published below...XD

1.当你收到“你干嘛呢?” 实际上是想说“我想你了”
3.但如果是“哈哈” “嘿嘿”或者“嘎嘎”,这时你打过去一定是在笑
4.说你“傻瓜” “笨蛋” 其实是关心你,担心你,希望你照顾好自己
7.但如果是“知道啦” “收到” “遵命”之类的则表示比较在意
9.把他的傻事 丢脸的或是失落的事告诉你,是希望你安慰他,开导他,甚至骂骂他
12.“我刚到” “我已经到家咯”说明进屋第一个想到的是你
13.“你到家了就告诉我一声啊” “你到家了没啊?”意思是我要你一定平安,我不许你有事




















What you feel after Finish reading these message?? XD

but no matter how...please appreciate everything you having now...especially you lover...XD



Aiks...had been long time didn't update my blog, kinda lazy lately XD

Celebrated my mum 52years old's birthday on 31th of July
[Mama, happy "belated" birthday!!! i Love You!!muAx!!] ps:i never say i love you to my family members XD

The day proofed that i AM a heartless son...i don't even bought a present for my mum and i almost forgotten her birthday if my sister don't remind me...[of cause lo, because my heart is fulled by my girlfriend~XD]. The celebration of the birthday was simple, because it was almost midnight and mum still need to work in next day...

Somebuddy was absented~~[my gorgor is in JB now]

Random picture here~~:=^^=

The birthday cake which is bought by my Sister...
[the wholes is actually for decorate]

Somebuddy call 911~~Shawty fire burning on the birthday cake~

Tada...this was the guy who built the fire..

She might look familiar for all the Ex-YokeNam Student...
XD...the main person of the day!!!