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Uploaded new songs into my blog..."Through My Window-Bunkface", also known as the theme song of DIGI Telecommunications and SDO[SuperDancerOnline]...
Some buddy complain to me that they can't stop the music playing because they can't found the bar...What i wanna tell them is, you can't STOP it though u know where is the music playing. So the only way to stop the song playing is, take out a 10KG hammer and smash your speaker into dust...Heard that??

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I always say to my friend that Mxlxys are sux[i dint mean ALL but most of them]...they steal, they rob, they mess this city up into unpeaceful...Yap Sing Ping just surrounded and got thrashed by those stupid form4 Malays...See?this is the truly of Mxlxys!!!Damn fool filthy barbarians...
[i guess it's a general consciousness to all Non-Malays... ]

lols...now only i hope that i could grow up at a broken home without a father...It's a difficulty to stay with him even just a second...but i had been living in this difficulty 17years...